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Neon White: Concepts

Concept art for Neon White: the newest game by Ben Esposito, published Annapurna Interactive. (Aka the game that comes with the new Machine Girl album)

In addition to making the game's 2D assets and keyart, I worked with them to design Violet, Yellow, and the Angels. (White, Red and Green were all designed by J.N. Wiedle!)

- Steam:
- Switch:
-Twitter hilarity:

Some starting points for Violet!

Some starting points for Violet!

Gabby and Raz <3

Gabby and Raz <3

Some initial tries at my boy Yellow

Some initial tries at my boy Yellow

Unused demon!  (But the statue made it into the game!

Unused demon! (But the statue made it into the game!

Demon Concepts! Some of these changed significantly into the final stage but a lot of them show up as is!   You can see the 3D versions of these (and more) at @hillsteadart

Demon Concepts! Some of these changed significantly into the final stage but a lot of them show up as is! You can see the 3D versions of these (and more) at @hillsteadart